General Information

In this article:

Woman handing over keys to student

Housing Fairs

Housing fairs are an open house events that take place every spring and summer in the Stamp Student Union. They serve as opportunities for students interested in living off-campus to gain information about many properties at once. The fairs bring together landlords, College Park officials, and University resources to inform students about housing options and how to successfully live off-campus. In particular, transfer and international students use the fairs to finalize their housing for the year.

OCH Database

The OCH Database, is a web-based service that provides an up-to-date database of available housing opportunities in the vicinity of the University of Maryland. The OCH Database can be searched using your own preferences. From there, you can contact potential landlords directly with any questions you may have. Even if you cannot find a suitable listing that fits your criteria, please keep checking the database every 2-3 days, as it is updated daily. If this is your first time using the OCH Database, view the OCH Database Training Video for a quick overview.

(Click the image below to visit the OCH Database homepage)

Off-Campus Living Fair

The Off-Campus Living Fair is a one-stop shop that allows students, faculty and staff the opportunity to research their off campus living options. The fair allows for participants to engage with landlords/property managers, campus and community resources, as well as meet other off-campus students. It is the place to get all of your off-campus living questions answered.

If you have any questions about the Fair, please contact the OCH staff.

Explanation of Terms on the OCH Database

International Student Friendly

Listings marked as "International Student Friendly" are meant to indicate that the property manager is comfortable renting to international visitors and understands that they cannot provide the standard US documentation.

Property Ratings/Reviews

  • Ratings come from for properties that currently advertise on
  • Ratings are calculated based on: 
    • Costar Building Rating (design, structure, amenities, management, etc.)
    • Customer Reviews
    • Survey feeds from companies like Turner Research Data
  • Ratings are monitored and reset every 2 years or after a management change. 

Additional Resources

OCH Handouts

We also have a variety of handouts produced to help you with your housing search. All of our handouts are available in PDF format for your use. Likewise, we have links to various other campus and local resources.

Legal Resources

Be aware of your rights and on-campus resources when it comes to lease signing, landlord-tenant relationships, and other questions that might arise during your off-campus living experience.